HTML Cheat Sheet
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) serves as the foundational framework for web pages, structuring content like text, images, and videos. HTML forms the backbone of every web page, defining its structure, content, and interactions. Its enduring relevance lies in its universal adoption across web development, ensuring that regardless of the framework or language used, content ultimately renders in HTML....
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Git Cheat Sheet
Git Cheat Sheet is a comprehensive quick guide for learning Git concepts, from very basic to advanced levels. By this Git Cheat Sheet, our aim is to provide a handy reference tool for both beginners and experienced developers/DevOps engineers. This Git Cheat Sheet not only makes it easier for newcomers to get started but also serves as a refresher for experienced professionals....
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CSS Cheat Sheet – A Basic Guide to CSS
What is CSS?...
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JavaScript Cheat Sheet – A Basic Guide to JavaScript
JavaScript is a lightweight, open, and cross-platform programming language. It is omnipresent in modern development and is used by programmers across the world to create dynamic and interactive web content like applications and browsers. It is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS, and the powerhouse behind the rapidly evolving Internet by helping create beautiful and crazy-fast websites....
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React Cheat Sheet
React is an open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces in a declarative and efficient way. It is a component-based front-end library responsible only for the view layer of a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. React is used to create modular user interfaces and promotes the development of reusable UI components that display dynamic data....
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jQuery Cheat Sheet – A Basic Guide to jQuery
jQuery is an open-source, feature-rich JavaScript library, designed to simplify the HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax with an easy-to-use API that supports the multiple browsers. It makes the easy interaction between the HTML & CSS document, Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript. With the help of jQuery, the multiple lines of code can be wrapped into methods, which in turn, can be called with a single line of code to perform a particular task. This, in turn, jQuery makes it easier to use Javascript on the website, along with enhancing the overall performance of the website....
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Bootstrap Cheat Sheet – A Basic Guide to Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a free, open-source, potent CSS framework and toolkit used to create modern and responsive websites and web applications. It is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites. Nowadays, websites are perfect for all browsers and all sizes of screens....
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Top 50 Searching Coding Problems for Interviews
Searching in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) is a fundamental operation that involves finding a specific element within a collection of data. In our article “Top 50 Searching Coding Problems for Interviews“, we present a collection of essential coding challenges focused on searching algorithms. These problems are carefully selected to help you sharpen your problem-solving skills and prepare effectively for interviews. By tackling these challenges, you can enhance your understanding of searching algorithms and boost your confidence in coding interviews. Let’s begin on this journey together and master the art of searching algorithms by solving Top Searching Problems!...
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Top 50 Problems on Stack Data Structure asked in SDE Interviews
A Stack is a linear data structure in which the insertion of a new element and removal of an existing element takes place at the same end represented as the top of the stack. To learn about Stack Data Structure in detail, please refer to the Tutorial on Stack Data Structure....
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Must Do Coding Questions for Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, …
As the placement season is back so are we to help you ace the interview. We have selected some most commonly asked and must do practice problems for you....
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Docker Cheat Sheet : Complete Guide (2024)
Docker is a very popular tool introduced to make it easier for developers to create, deploy, and run applications using containers. A container is a utility provided by Docker to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment. Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run an application, such as libraries and other dependencies packed by the developer during the application’s packaging process. This assures developers that their application can be run on any other machine. Here, we’re going to provide you with an ultimate Docker Cheat Sheet that will help you to learn Docker Commands easily....
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Apple SDE Sheet: Interview Questions and Answers
Apple is one of the world’s favorite tech brands, holding a tight spot as one of the tech Big Four companies. Apple products have found their way into seemingly every household. The company only hires the best of the best and looks for whip-smart people who will push the envelope when it comes to what personal technology can do. This sheet will assist you to land a job at Apple, we have compiled all the interview questions and answers.....
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